

Potential Bail Jumpers Beware! This Is What Happens If You Skip Out On Court Dates Or Flee!

potential bail jumpersYou’ve probably seen the glamorous life of people living life on the lamb after jumping bail on TV. However, BailOption has a very important message for all of you potential bail jumpers out there. Don’t do it! What you see on TV is make-believe and fake. Even reality shows like Dog The Bounty Hunter are staged. 

Police Have Arrested You. Now What?

The police have arrested you. Now, what? Police will take you to the police station for booking. They will also hold you in custody. Usually, the police will require you to post bail depending on the severity of the alleged crime. However, you may get lucky. The police may even release on their own recognizance.

Bail is a process in which a person pays money as collateral in exchange for their release. The terms of the agreement are usually pretty simple. The agreement says you will released on the condition that you will return for court hearings. If a person attends all scheduled court dates, the bail will be returned in full minus any administrative costs. However, what happens if a person fails to attend their court date or skips out on their bail?

What If You Fail To Appear For Hearings?

Potential Bail Jumpers Beware!If a person fails to attend their court date as instructed, the court will issue a warrant for their arrest. If a person still does not appear in court within a reasonable period of time or provide the courts with a satisfactory reason for their absence, the prosecution will likely file additional Failure to Appear charges against the defendant. Failure to Appear charges can be added to a person’s list of charges. This of course depends on the defendant’s pending accusations.

What Happens To A Defendant’s Bail Money?

In addition, failing to attend a court date after posting bail will result in the county claiming a person’s bail money. Since bail can easily reach six and seven figures depending on the offense, this can be an incredible financial loss. If a person uses a bail bond agency to pay their bail, the bail bond agency will be responsible for the full amount unless they are able to locate and surrender the defendant to the courts.

BailOption Is Here To Help!

BailOption is your trusted partner to help you post bail fast and quiet as possible. Contact BailOption for a consultation. We will answer more questions about bail bond posting. We can also answer your questions about self incrimination.

Have Police arrested you in Florida? BailOption is here for you. BailOption will not only post your initial bond but will help you with any increases you face as your case progresses. Give us a call today so that we may help you.

If you would like to learn more about how we can assist you, contact us today through the website.

You can also call us directly at (800) 524-0684.

BailOption representatives also speak Spanish!

Information detailed in this article is not construed as legal advice. The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. 


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