

Florida Department Of Law Enforcement Says These Are The 7 Most Common Crimes In Florida

Are you considering moving to Florida? Are you aware of the crimes that happen here? Here are 7 most common crimes in Florida and the explanations of what they are and what their punishments are.

1. Drug Crimes

7 most common crimesFBI statistics show that drug crimes made up nearly 30% of the arrests in Florida. These arrests range from possession to things like trafficking. Florida courts also have no tolerance for drug crimes, As a result, drug crimes bring longer incarceration periods and fines.

2. Theft

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) says there is a theft committed each minute in the state of Florida. Theft is the unauthorized use or taking of someone’s property. This includes larceny and conversion. It also includes misappropriation and stealing. In addition to other types of offenses. The stolen property’s value will also determine if the theft is a felony or misdemeanor.

3. DUI

Florida considers you drunk if you have a blood alcohol content of .08 while operating a vehicle. A court determines the severity of your penalty by taking in a number of factors into consideration. The court determines your punishment on such things like whether it’s your first offense. It also depends on the amount of alcohol in your blood. However, if  there was a minor in the car or if there was property damage or injuries sustained, you will face serious consequences.

4. Aggravated Assault

7 most common crimesFDLE says that this kind of assault happens every 9 minutes in the state of Florida. Aggravated assault is where a deadly weapon is used but there is no intention to kill with it. Aggravated assault is a 3rd degree felony. If you are convicted, you are serving 5 years in a Florida prison and pay a fine of $5,000.

5. Violations of Liquor Laws

There are also a lot of people violating liquor laws in Florida. The most common one of them is selling alcohol to minors. The other is selling alcohol without the proper permit.

6. Burglary

FDLE also says there are burglaries occurring every 3 minutes in Florida. In addition, someone can be charged with burglary if they stay in or enter a building intending to commit some kind of crime. Punishment also varies depending if it’s a 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree offense depends on the specific circumstances.

7. Robbery

FDLE also says robberies occur every 22 minutes. This happens when someone takes property or money intending to temporarily or permanently deprive the person of the property or money by fear or assault. In addition to using or threatening to use violence or force.

If you are moving to Florida, these are some of the common crimes that happen. Also, pay attention to your surroundings in Florida and be aware of what could happen.

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Information detailed in this article is not construed as legal advice. The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. 

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